• "Hell of a lot of fun. Great storytelling."

    -- Former U.S. Rep Jack Quinn (R-NY)

  • "A breath of fresh air in an all-too-toxic world. Here’s a nice break from all of that."

    -- Paul Maslin, Democratic pollster, California

  • "With America so polarized, the lost political middle is a perfect subject to focus on. "

    -- Former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI)  

44% of Americans self-identify as centrists.

71 million bewildered, frustrated voters.

Watch the video for a preview of the show.

Click here to listen to the episodes.

We'll explore how we got into this mess.

But we will also tell you uplifting stories of people around the country trying to change the current zeitgeist.

“What the hell is so wrong with working across the aisle and getting things done, when 85% of what you want is by definition a victory?”

“We’ve gone crazy. To use a Jewish term, we’re meshuga. We’re nuts.”

Click here to meet the people behind the podcast and see what people are saying about Lost in the Middle. Click here to visit our reading room for the research behind the episodes.

  • "My hope is that Americans far and wide learn that the way forward in our democracy is not through the extremes — but right up the middle. "

    -- Former U.S. Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.)

  • "Scott Klug is the perfect host for the podcast that is most needed today. The question is no longer even 'are you conservative or liberal enough' depending on your partisan primary, but a universal question from the small percentage of Americans who vote in either primary, 'are you ANGRY enough to represent me.'"

    -- John Pudner, Republican strategist, Alabama

  • "It is easy to get discouraged by the constant fighting and bickering we see every day in politics. Thankfully, there are countless examples of Americans breaking through the polarization and working to bridge the partisan divide. Nobody does a better job of telling these stories than “The Lost Political Middle.”

    -- Former U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire (D-PA)